How are fears ever funny? I guess I'll regale you with my silliest ones and hope that's adequate.
1. Spiders - seriously, even the daddy long-legs kind scare the be-jesus out of me.
2. Bees - they send me screaming and running. And the time one flew in the window while I was driving? I almost died because of that damn bee!
3. Ladders - I am not afraid of heights if looking down from above but I'm super squirmy and scared to climb higher than two rungs on a ladder.
4. Throwing things away - I have serious hoarder tendencies that I must vigilantly curtail. Every time I throw something away I'm afraid I will need it in the future regardless of how long it has been since I used it.
5. The I.R.S. - those bastards truly frighten me with their ability to completely screw up your life if you cross them. *shudder*
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