Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring has sprung... and I'm all over the place

It's the first official day of spring today!  Which is not such a happy time for me since now I get to suffer with seasonal allergies... you'll forgive me if I'm not overjoyed with the rest of the world to be leaving winter behind.  I added the allergy pill this weekend to the morning handful of supplements I'm taking now thanks to my nutritionist.  I don't really have anything to bitch about today so instead I'll regale you with what's been happening in my crazy day to day life.

First, the nutritionist...  What a lovely and totally-worth-the-price addition to my life!  Turns out when I started actually tracking what I'm eating I was only giving my body about 800 calories a day.  That on top of working out all the time is NOT a good way to lose weight.  After a week of properly fueling my body for basic living as well as all the exercise, I not only feel better but I've started to see the number on the scale inching down.  No, lovely doesn't begin to describe it - it's fucking amazing!  Knowledge is power, people.  Remember that!

Next, running...  It's no secret I'm in full swing of my intense training routine for my upcoming relay race.  The organizers put together two training programs and I figured they should know better than I what kinds of things I need to prepare for so I'm following them.  The first is for a beginner who "hasn't been doing any running".  Well, that doesn't apply to me and good thing since it has running in MINUTE increments.  I'm used to MILE increments.  The other one, "for the runner who is already running an average of 10-20 miles a week", was more my speed so I picked that one.  Well apparently if you slack for a week and then try to pick up where you are supposed to be, it results in strained knees.  After my disastrous attempted run last week I rested up and bitched a lot about why I was semi-injured this week.  Because I'm a data and gadget geek, I could go back to my logged data and see that I had actually doubled my mileage the week before with the warmer weather allowing me to run outdoors in the evenings instead of at work in my measly hour I'm allowed to squeeze out of my workday.  Oopsie!  Happily, I only needed to rest a bit and I felt amazing on my outdoor run yesterday.  Back on track and paying attention now.  Must stay healthy!

And finally, writing...  I haven't been doing much writing lately unless you count my humble blog here.  Let's face it, my life just doesn't have enough hours in it to do much more at the moment.  My writer's group has changed things up a bit this year and to keep up writing we are now doing writing prompts which will allow us to focus on specific tools (like dialog, description, etc.) and improve without having to commit to completing a manuscript.  I have one I have to work on this week and the thought of it makes me happy.  The one of us in said writing group who actually has been writing the past year just got signed with a publisher.  I'm ecstatic for her - and truth be told just a little bit jealous.  Knowing that the dream can be, in fact, reality if you work hard at it (and write a damn good book) makes me want to write more than I have been.  I need to find a way to multi-task my writing into my life like I did with reading.  Which, by the way, have you noticed that there are more than book club books in my list of books I've read so far this year?  I LOVE being a reader again - thank you!  If only I wouldn't look (and sound) like a freak dictating a book while I'm running.  And if only voice recognition software would work with a heavy breathing runner.  A girl's got to dream, right?

1 comment:

Diyeana / Melissa said...

Tell Clint he needs to become a millionaire so you can stay home and write!